Thursday, May 31, 2018

May and June Currents
With the end of the school year vastly approaching, we would like to emphasize important school information for our announcements.

From Friday, May 25-Thursday, May 30:  End of Course Exams (8th graders)
From Friday, June 1-Tuesday, June 5:  End of Course Exams (7th graders)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
According to US History Teacher
8:30 AM:  Ms. Mr. Hanashiro, Ms. Chavez, Ms. Kuklenski, Mr. Murrillo, Ms. Rohrer
12:00 PM:  Ms. Russell and Ms. Munoz
2:00 PM:  Ms. Manjarrez

Friday, June 6, 2018 (Last Day of School)

8th grade:  Please be aware of middle school requirements.  Any student who does not fulfill middle school requirements, will be ineligible for the promotion certificate.
Please be advised of the middle school requirements for promotion.
·        Remember that students will be given credit for passing grades of D grade or Higher.  Total credits needed for promotion:  21 credits
Here are the promotion requirements:
English Language Arts (4 semester credits)
     English 7 (2), English 8(2)
Math (4 semester credits)
     Integrated Math 7 (2), Integrated Math 8 (2)
PE  (4 semester credits)
     PE 7 (2), PE 8 (2)
Science (4 semester credits)
     General Science 1 (2), General Science 2 (2)
Social Science (4 semester credits)
     World Cultures (2), US History (2)
Elective (1 semester credit)
     (D Grade or Better)

7TH GRADE INFORMATION for summer school
Students who receive an “F” in core classes (for semester 1 and 2 of 7th grade) should fill out an application for summer school (in the counseling center) to recover that credit.  Parents must fill out application and return to the counseling center immediately for placement for summer school. 
LAST thoughts
On behalf of the counseling center, have a wonderful and restful summer break!